Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sermon from Tyler "Chuck" Peterson's Funeral

Thank you to Reverend Katherine Rood of Christ Lutheran Church in Glencoe, MN. First, thank you for acknowledging depression. Thank you for honoring Chuck. Thank you for giving us words of wisdom so that we can deal with grief and loss. Thank you for shining light on a disease that is often a private struggle. Thank you for letting us share your words.

Thank you to the Peterson family for letting us share this sermon. Please know that you are surrounded by a community who loved Chuck. Know that we are there for you and that we are keeping you in our prayers.
Funeral Service for Tyler "Chuck" Peterson
Christ Lutheran Church - Glencoe, MN
Rev. Katherine Rood
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Reposted with permission. Originally posted at:

The sermon text that follows was delivered by Reverend Katherine Rood at the Memorial Service of Tyler John Peterson on Wednesday, March 25th, 2015 at Christ Lutheran Church of Glencoe, MN. Tyler (Chuck) was a gifted, well-­‐connected and much loved 27 year old whose life was lost to severe debilitating depression on March 20th. His parents and sister requested that Tyler’s whole story be lifted up in the hope that others who struggle might benefit.

Please rise. Join with me in the printed verse in your Worship bulletin. Together we proclaim: If we have died with Christ, we shall also live with Him. If we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with Him.

The Holy Gospel according to St. John the fourteenth chapter beginning at verse one: Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And you know the way to the place where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. The Gospel of the Lord we say “Thanks be to God.”

You may be seated. We turn now to a formal reading of Chuck’s life on the backside of your folder: Tyler Chuck John Peterson…(Obituary follows)
Blessed be Chuck’s memory and to God alone be the glory! Amen.

Let us pray. Almighty God, we give you thanks for the gift of life you have granted to all through your Son, Jesus the Christ, our risen Lord and Savior. Bless now the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts that in all our words and deeds, O God, you may be glorified. Amen.

It looks like a sea of plaid out there! (Laughter) How fitting, how wonderful! How awesome that, you, the dearest family and friends of Chuck, should be here today celebrating his life and the gift that he obviously was to each and every one of you!

It is a celebration of lives both great and small, lives important and those that are somewhat more challenging, and it is right that we should be here this day giving thanks and praise to our God for his servant! There have been so many wonderful stories shared, many tears shed, a lot of laughter, sorrow, and indeed, there is a deep hole in the hearts of those who loved Chuck dearest and best. There is no doubt about that. His is an awesome story!

But…those are things about Chuck that tell only a part of the story. And in a promise made to family, to his parents and sister, this day must also be about telling the rest of the story. You see Chuck suffered from depression, serious depression. Sometimes in our world we don’t talk about that, no…not only sometimes, but most of the time. In truth, there is no life lived in this world that is NOT somehow touched by the reality of depression. And there is no person alive who at some point in his or her journey has not experienced depression personally. YOU know… you KNOW.

Sadly, there is a prevalent mentality that if we could just buck up, do SOMEthing, get busy, or just get OVER ourselves, then somehow we could get UP and FLY RIGHT! And while that may be true in many and various stages or types of depression, there ARE still those occasions where it is debilitating, crippling. For those who suffer from a debilitating depression all the “bucking up” in the world will not change it.

Our minds are perplexed by the stories and realities of a person like Chuck’s life. We are haunted by questions and thoughts like, “If only we had known!”, “If somehow we knew!”, “If he would have reached out, we would have been there in a heartbeat!” We ALL would have done WHATEVER it was we could do…..

But let me shine some light -­‐ not from a medical perspective here, but from a faith perspective for those who suffer with this depression. There are those people who are born into this life who are not like the rest of us. And…it was pretty evident that Tyler was NOT like the rest of us! (Laughter)

For these people there is a haunting from early on, they are often incredibly tender and creative and sensitive souls. Filled with an energy and a dynamism that defies logic. The truth is that they perceive the world in ways that most of us never will. In the short span of 27 years, through his almost hologram-­‐like existence, Chuck absorbed the troubles of his friends, the needs of others, always privy to just when that joke should be cracked. And…you know it’s true.

They are often keepers of the peace at all cost and feel deep pain for the world and things that they cannot comprehend……how horrifically human beings treat one another. And they live at such a pace trying to be all things to all people with a result that they do not know themselves.

It does NOT surprise me he was an incredible actor! He could take on ANY role. “Do you need a helping hand?” “Do you need a buddy to sit up with you all night?” “Do you need a word of encouragement?” “Tell me what you need for me to be for you.” 

To the best of his ability this is what he did. And all the while, deep in his heart of hearts, feeling (which seems to boggle the mind!), as if somehow, he, Chuck, was NEVER enough! Always hoping that if he could only BE Chuck, that there might be less pain and sorrow and suffering in the world, in HIS world. But then a greater fear that he would be found out….that he would NOT be enough, NOT measure up in the eyes of those who loved him dearest and best, imprisoned him.

Chuck took on MANY roles -­‐ always trying to be perfect, trying to shine, to show a way in the world that life can be happy and joyful and full of many good things. But when the play ended – he was still “only” Chuck. You know what I am saying is true.

But you ask, “How CAN we know? How can we KNOW?” We keep thinking, “If ONLY we had known!”, “If only somehow we might have said something that WOULD’VE made a difference!” You’re thinking about who he was for YOU, in YOUR life, over and over and over again and how BLESSED you are.

And we know this truth, you couldn’t. You couldn’t, because if there were, and I am not theater prone, a Tony award or an Academy award or whatever the best award for best actor would be HE was it! He was it.

More than anything today, Chuck would want YOU to know, YOU ARE ENOUGH and that he was grateful for every last one of you and that he loved you in a way that most people are incapable of loving.

His is a legacy of being FOR others, from small children with special needs, to adults, to a friend, to an absolute stranger, here is his legacy -­‐ “to love with your whole being”!

Now, I said last night, it’s not possible for any human being to love to that depth but that God in Christ Jesus has loved them first. That we love at all is a miracle, however shabbily we might do it! But love so well done is a gift!

In 1 Corinthians 13:12, the love chapter no less, it says, “Now we see dimly as in a mirror, but then we will see face to face.” and “We will know even as we have been fully known.” The time had come and my great joy is that Chuck is now fully known and that he has discovered he was ALWAYS enough! I don’t pretend to tell you that Chuck was perfect or that he was without sin, but I do know this -­‐ he IS God’s own, a lamb of His own redeeming and he is safe and he is sure!

So for those of us who are here, we have work to do! YOU have work to do, to see with the eyes and ears of your hearts any sister or brother who is striving so hard to be perfect. To love them and to let them know that they are ENOUGH and that they are known and deeply loved! We go from this place having learned a very hard lesson in love -­‐ to not waste a minute of your life not loving well.

Into the arms of his Redeemer we commend our brother Chuck. In Jesus name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Chuck's obituary and entire funeral program was very comforting and heart warming. It was really managed well.
