- Email: BreaktheStigmaGlencoe@gmail.com
- Twitter: @bsp_glencoe
- Facebook Event Page: Break the Stigma 5K Run / 3K Walk - Glencoe, MN
- Facebook Page: Break the Stigma - McLeod County MN
Meet the Team

For each of the reasons I am qualified to help break the stigma of “Mental Health Disability,” everyday my mind gives me twice as many reasons why no one should listen, and that my abilities are actually disabilities.
That is why I am passionate about breaking the stigma, and not just for myself and my family. This is a project for every person who has yet to become equipped to talk back to the untruth and negative self-talk in their minds.
Every time I put one foot in front of the other, I win that moment’s battle against evil. Together, we should bear with one another and rejoice at the finish line!
For those of you who have never met me before, I am Michelle (Vossen) Gomez, originally from Arlington, MN and have been living in Glencoe, MN for over 9 years. I break the stigma every day by being a functional mom of three, by rockin’ the role of pastor’s wife, and by enjoying many friendships.
I enjoy music, photography and sharing stories on Facebook. I love it when people relate to, or laugh at my normal everyday life. Some of my more unique hobbies include butterfly gardening & rearing, and breaking things. I like to turn my messes into beautiful art.
I am humbly honored to be a part of Breaking the Stigma, surrounded by an awesome team!
Marilyn Dunbar
I work really hard at looking like I have it totally together on the outside…but inside my mind I struggle, and it gets very dark sometimes. But I want to turn this battle inside out and bring healthy awareness to an unhealthy stigma. I’m tired of battling depression and anxiety alone and I know there are others out there like me.
Exercise is my friend. It is one of my most effective coping tools. I love to walk, jog, cross country ski, bike, and go to fitness classes. And I’m one of those lucky people who get’s to do what I love for a living as a Cardiac Rehab nurse. Outside of family time (I have 3 sons) you will find me playing with my dog, knitting, or reading a book.
I’m so excited for May 2 to watch awareness take afoot in a crowd of support where the stigma will no longer hold the silent hurting hostage. I humbly accept my survival of sadness to serve on a team to Break-The-Stigma.
In high school and college, I was outgoing and involved in many school activities. After working for a few years, I noticed that things changed. I became less social. Work meetings and presentations made me nervous. I did not take criticism well. I worried about how people perceived me. This worry was constant and it overwhelmed my life. After some reflection, I took back control. I started to take anti-depressants and took the first steps to making behavioral changes so that I can be the "best me".
Everyday I live with anxiety and depression. Some days are great. Some days are not. When I found out about the local Break the Stigma group, I wanted to help. I was excited to find out that I'm not alone. Let's work together to "break the stigma" and make a difference.
i have had my bouts of depression, along with a couple attempts of suicide! without the support of the people that love me an the the proper meds. we will make it through our difficult times! Don't give up! Thank you for letting me give my encouragement to others that may need the extra support. Tanya